Category Archives: Word
Tip #199_Word
Tip #197_Word
WORD: Protecting a Word document from copying or plagiarism
It’s one thing to protect a document from being edited. But the instructions below will stop your text from even being selected (and therefore copied to another location).
Read MoreTip #193_Word
WORD: SPELLCHECK – how to skip selected text
Scenario: You’re writing a book that contains a section of text using poorly-spelled slang or unusual acronyms or short-forms – and you’re tired of having to deal with the myriad of red-lining that automatic SpellCheck adds to your document (or having to stop at each of these instances when you actually run the Spelling & Grammar function).
Read MoreTip #179_Word
Tip #172_Word
Word: Editing a Password-Protected Document
First of all – this tip is NOT about being open a Word document that is locked via a PASSWORD-TO-OPEN password. If you’ve lost that password – you are out of luck.
Read MoreTip #169_Word
Tip #159_Word_Excel_PowerPoint
Word/Excel/PowerPoint: Storing & Using Multiple Clipboard items
People often (mistakenly) think that you can only store one piece of information at a time in the Windows CLIPBOARD: and when you cut or copy a new item…you lose the first item. Not true. You can store up to 24 items in the Windows Clipboard. And access any of them throughout your day.
Read MoreTip #158_Word
WORD: Side by Side Documents
I often create two manuals for a course: one for the students and one for the instructor. The instructor’s copy will have adding text to aid in teaching the course.
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